We’ve partnered with a number of Europe’s largest private financial institutions to bring this straight-forward investment partnership system to worldwide businesses. Click ”Get Started” below to enquire and find out if you’re eligible.

Fixed Interest Rates

The interest rate is set at the beginning of the term and you don’t commit to the credit line until after you have received and agreed the legal contracts. You have full oversight of the loan terms and obligations before signing.

No Equity Demands

There are no demands or conditions that require equity participation in any of your projects. The ROI at the end of the project is ultimately yours, with the borrower only having to repay the debt.

No Personal Guarantees

Our loans and collateral transfers require no personal guarantees, so you don’t need to worry about leveraging or losing your personal assets when utilising this financial model. The finance agreement is with your business, not with you.

About Us

Bowmore Capital Partners is an independent financial company, founded by seasoned businessmen and entrepreneurs – Gordon Cowan and Benjamin Holden. Registered in the Isle of Man, the company specialises in Collateral Transfer and Asset Enhance facilitation across all developed territories. Bowmore Capital Partners operate through co-investment agreements; wholesale finance partners and strategic collaborations with European and international family offices; private equity and institutional investors/operators.

Simple as 1-2-3

Collateral Transfer

In 3 simple steps

Identify what level of capital you require

You can easily press the “Get Started” button below or feel free to call us and share your capital requirement with one of our business team. Our business team will happily contact you once your online application is submitted through this website.

Speak to one of our business team

The first thing we do is listen and understand. We will happily take you through all of the details of how our funding solutions could potentially work for your project and together, explore if it's the right fit. Only if you are satisfied, would we onboard you as our customer and then submit your application to our panel of lenders.

Capital drawdown in as little as 12 weeks

Guiding you through the various stages of due diligence, project viability review, booking collateral and credit line, issuing contracts and drawing down funds – it’s all a process. Assuming your business and project meets the criteria along the way, we can help deliver your required funding within 12 to 16 weeks from application.

Bowmore Corporate

Institutional funding for select projects, subject to application approval
Bowmore Capital Partners

Compton House, Parliament Square
9 Castle Street, Castletown
Isle of Man, IM9 1LF
British Isles

© Copyright BowCap Partners Limited 2025.
BowCap Partners Limited is a company registered in the Isle of Man (135521C)

Web Design by Pelicanoe.